
HBase Rest Gateway

Stargate is the name of the REST server bundled with HBase. The REST Server is a daemon which enables other application to request HBASE database via http. Of course we deploy the secured version of the configuration of this API.

module.exports =
    iptables: module: 'masson/core/iptables', local: true
    krb5_client: module: 'masson/core/krb5_client', local: true, required: true
    java: module: 'masson/commons/java', local: true
    test_user: module: 'ryba/commons/test_user', local: true, auto: true, implicit: true
    hadoop_core: module: 'ryba/hadoop/core', local: true, auto: true, implicit: true
    hdfs_dn: module: 'ryba/hadoop/core', required: true
    hdfs_client: module: 'ryba/hadoop/hdfs_client', local: true, required: true
    hbase_master: module: 'ryba/hbase/master', required: true
    hbase_regionserver: module: 'ryba/hbase/regionserver', required: true
    hbase_client: module: 'ryba/hbase/client', local: true
    hbase_rest: module: 'ryba/hbase/thrift'
    ranger_admin: module: 'ryba/ranger/admin', single: true
    ranger_hbase: module: 'ryba/ranger/plugins/hbase'
    'install': [